
Friday, May 15, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy Friday, friends!  Time to recap another full and fabulous week!  This one was filled with family, friends, fantastic food, a new exercise routine {to help eliminate the calories in the aforementioned food},  and a good amount of spring cleaning.  One of those things was my least favorite, the rest made this weeks loves! ;)

1.  Mother's Day 2015

Sunday morning Jason told me, " We can go anywhere you want, eat anything that you want, and do anything that you want today."  I wasn't sure what to do with that generous offer!  Here's what I chose:

8am Target shopping with my two best girls  
Jason had music practice before church bright and early on Sunday morning.  While he strummed his guitar, my girlies and I spent that fabulous hour getting our shop on before church!  Even though I'm not typically a "morning person", 8am is my favorite time to be at Target!  It always feels like they opened up the store just for us.  Only one checkout was open, yet there was no line.  Gotta love it!

Hearing God's Word faithfully preached in context is always refreshing!  

Our church provided gorgeous flowers for kids to give their mother that morning.  Little One chose this one in my favorite color.  She hid it behind her back as she approached me, then presented it with a huge smile.  My heart melted on the spot.  I was also given sweet personal gifts from my girls.  They each painted me a beautiful masterpiece while at my parents' home earlier in the week.  Handmade gifts make my heart full!

Pizza and Breadsticks
...because pizza is always a good idea.

R & R
When we arrived home we prepped for lunch by getting out of our cute clothes and tossing on comfy pjs.  While treating our taste buds my family gave me complete control over the remote.  My husband wouldn't allow me to tidy a thing all day.  I just relaxed and enjoyed every bit of it.  Ahh, to be queen for a day. ;)  

Sure I could've picked lunch at a steakhouse, then gone to the spa, and did some online shopping for that Disney Dooney & Burke bag I've been drooling over.  I mean he did say whatever I want, right?  Wait.  Why didn't I do that?  Oh yeah, because what I wanted most of all was quality time with my those who are the reason I celebrate Mother's Day, my incredible husband, and two lovely girls.  We shopped, worshiped, lounged, laughed, and played games together as a family.  It was simple and laid back, and perfect.

2.  Old Friends + Mexican food + Brownies = Recipe for a Delicious Evening

Monday night we met our oldest friends for dinner.  We don't see each other as often as we'd like to, but whenever we are together it's as if we haven't skipped a beat.  We caught up over queso at Qdoba, then headed back to their place for freshly baked brownies and ice cream - yum!  We also exchanged Christmas gifts.  Yep, you read that right.  We just savor the holidays for months. ;)

Little One with her My Little Pony gifts  //  Princess with a mason jar full of nail polish and all things needed for a pretty mani/pedi, and a super cute necklace too //  Lit'l Miss E with her new Peppa Pig  //  Dress Up

3.  Parents, Presents, and {More} Pizza

Wednesday night my parents came over to celebrate Mother's Day and talk Disney trip details over taco & BLT pizzas.  We had such a great time!

Since my mom always uses drawstring bags I couldn't resist getting her this Walt Disney World cuteness for our upcoming trip!

My mom started the sweetest tradition years ago!  Each year on Mother's Day she gives me a photo album filled with several hundred pictures capturing the memories we have created together over the past year.  Can you think of anything more thoughtful than that?  I treasure these albums!

sweet memories with my parents and my girlies

4.  Couch to 5k

After giving our running shoes about a year off we decided to go back to the basics.  Saturday we began going through the Couch to 5k program as a family (again).  It's been wonderful to lace up those sneakers, get out in the sunshine, and begin to get fit as a family once again!  

For anyone interested in taking up running, I highly recommend getting this app!  We've gone through the complete program in years past and have found it to be incredibly helpful!

5.  Graze 

You all know I love a good subscription box!  When I saw a groupon a while back for a surprise box of snacks that'd appear in my mailbox weekly or semi-weekly, I had to give it a try!

Each snack they offer is listed on their website.  You can go through and select to try, trash, like, or love each snack option.  This helps them customize boxes to your taste preferences.  So far my favorite has been the Hickory Smoked BBQ mix - so good! 

We've had so much fun taste tasting and enjoying these new-to-us snacks!  Some people complain that the portion sizes are small, but in my opinion they are just right!  It's a snack, not a buffet. ;)

Sound like something you'd enjoy?  I'd love to share a coupon that came in my box!  Visit and use coupon code:  CQWJHQ7QB to receive your first and fifth boxes for FREE.  I mean, who doesn't love a yummy snack that you don't even have to leave home to get?  So far, I'm loving this scrumptious arrangement. :)


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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. What a lovely Mother's Day. You were loved that's for sure. And the album from your mother, how precious. I love that she still does that for you. I get goose bumps reading it. Have a great weekend. linking from High Five for Friday.

  2. So glad that you had a nice Mother's Day!! That story about the flowers in church was so cute. That album from your mom is so sweet too. My niece who just turned 4 apparently loves Pepa Pig but sadly I have no idea who Pepa is. Guess I have to do some research! :-) I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!!!

  3. That pizza and breadsticks! Makes me want to go get some this evening. Sounds like a wonderful mother's day.

    I'm using the fitbit to get back (well more into) shape and it's great! I'll have to check out that other app though too.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  4. Pizza truly is always a good idea! ;) Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

    Funny that you just exchanged Christmas gifts with your friends - I just did the same thing a few weeks ago. It sucks that time can get away from us like that and Christmas ends up being celebrated 4 or 5 months late. But those old friends are the ones who you can pick right up where you left off with and those are the best kinds of friends!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. What a PERFECT way to spend Mother's Day! Sounds quite similar to our day! Without the 8am Target trip! ;) I just completed Week 2 of C25K! It feels SO good to be back at it! :) Looks like a LOVELY week, my dear friend! Happy Weekend to YOU! <3

  6. Sounds like you had an awesome Mother's Day! Yay! I see you picked up some of those lovely dollar spot thank you cards - those are my faves. I can't resist grabbing a few every time they restock with new patterns. :)

    Love the photo album gift from your mom! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  7. i miss graze! i recently started a debt repayment journey and cancelled my graze box but it was so much fun while it lasted!! && 8 am sunday morning target runs are my jam. perfect time to be at target. <3

  8. Sounds like one great way to spend Mother's Day to me!!! Pizza and breadsticks...oh man that sounds so wonderful right about now. And hershey nuggets, some of my faves.
    And that Mother's Day photo album from your mom is amazing! I just started doing family yearbooks and I just can't get enough. I've got all of one so far but I look at it all the time, esp with Aria.
    I love that you get together to talk Disney. I mean is there anything better?

  9. Oh wow, what a wonderful gift tradition from your mom! And I really want to try Graze, I keep hearing about it and I am big on snacks!

  10. How sweet of her to pick out that flower for you, so thoughtful! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. I used to work at Target. I always preferred being there in the morning, too. It can be crazy after 5:00 PM. And yes, pizza is always a good idea!

  12. Sounds like you had a great week-flowers, gifts, Disney planning and pizza! What could be better?!

  13. It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Shopping at Target
    as a Mother's Day present sounds perfect. What Mom doesn't love that? Glad you had an amazing day!

  14. Glad you had such a lovely Mother's Day with your family! I'm also a fan of all of the pizza in this post :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  15. So much yummy looking food in your post! Hmm, I may have to order pizza soon :) I did the couch to 5k program a few years ago and when I stuck with it I loved it! Someday I'll have to stick with it again!

  16. All of the pizza... a girl after my own heart! So happy you had a wonderful Mothers Day, doing exactly what you wanted to do! Sounds like it was the perfect day :)

  17. What a fantastic Mother's Day, Brenda! That was so sweet of your husband, and you really CANNOT go wrong with pizza! It's my fav. Also, your mother has a great idea with those photo albums! I'm so bad not to print off photos nowadays but I really want to start back up again.

    Thanks for linking up with us for H54F!

  18. Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day and a great week! Love, love the photo album idea that your mom gives you every year...that is so awesome!

  19. Your mother's day sounds perfect!! I'm so glad you got Target, church, relaxing,all of it!! :) And good luck with the couch to 5k!! I admire y'all! :)

  20. Sounds like you had an amazing Mother's Day! I'm glad you had a day of relaxation. All moms need that lol and what better way to celebrate the day than by going to church. Thanks for linking up to H54F!


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