
Friday, May 1, 2015

Five Loves on Friday!


Happy May Day, friends!  I'm excited to welcome in this fresh new month with a post of loves from the last lit'l bit of April. Let's get right to it...

1.  Date Night x 2!

This week Jason and I had two date nights in a row!!  Tuesday evening my parents invited our sweeties over to spend some time with them.  Wednesday night we we found ourselves with more one on one time while the girls were in class/youth group at our church.  It was so refreshing to enjoy this extra time alone with my hubs!

t u e s d a y   d a t e   n i g h t

BBQ Nachos + Bread Pudding at the Lake

Jas suggested getting takeout from our favorite local BBQ place and heading out to the lake for a dinner date.  I asked him, "What made you think of that idea?"  He answered, "I love you."  (He knows what I like.  Reason #2567 why I adore him!)

We couldn't let that warm deep fried bread pudding get cold or that delicious homemade vanilla bean ice cream melt = perfect excuse to eat dessert first! ;)  

w e d n e s d a y   d a t e   n i g h t 

Panda Express & Conversation

A delicious meal that I didn't even have to cook, and uninterrupted conversation with my man is a simple combo for a lovely evening!

I love a stunning sunset and some sweet fire chicken with chow mein and a side of cream cheese rangoon, but the best part of the night was the company of my Lovey!

PS:  The girls weren't left out.  I took them to McD's for dinner before church.  Little One is all about My Little Pony, so she's having a ball collecting the MLP happy meal toys there!

2.  Mom/Daughter Date Night


Princess and I enjoyed a girls' night this week!  Our party for two kicked off when the rest of the fam were snug in bed.  We soaked up our "just the two of us" time watching a movie,  munching our favorite snacks, and staying up way past our bedtimes.  Simply put, it was a fantastic evening together!   

3.  Hand Picked Sweetness

I adore the sweet little bouquets that Little One picks for me each spring.  They may be weeds in the eyes of some, but to me they are love wrapped in brilliant colors!  As I type this I also have a cup filled with dandelions and a heart full of happiness!

4.  Charming Finds @ Charming Charlie

Charming Charlie has an amazing scarf sale going on right now.  When you buy one scarf, you get one FREE!  Which is a good thing, because they have too many cute scarves to choose just one!  

SAILORETTE FRINGE SCARF  {currently out of stock}
The scripted message reads, "A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor."

...because leopard is the new neutral, right? ;)  I'm pretty sure this will find its way into my suitcase when packing for our upcoming Disney trip.  It looks like Animal Kingdom perfection to me!

I know it says "butterfly", but I instantly thought Minnie Mouse when I saw this scarf!  It boasts just the right colors, polka dots, and those butterflies sure like a lot like bows to me!  How could I possibly resist?!

I can't share the last of my scarf bogo goodness, as it's a gift. :)

A pair of darling earrings also made their way into the cart for my Ariel loving Princess...

These beauties are currently on clearance for only $3.99!  {also available in coral}

I was excited to pair the bogo offer with a coupon code for $10 off $35*, and put a $10 gift card I had burning a hole in my wallet to good use too!  As always, before I even began shopping I entered via Ebates to set myself up for even more savings.  After all discounts and the Ebates cash back were figured in, I paid less than $15 for all five fab items!  Oh, how I love bargains!!

*Coupon Code: QO8X7RKU good for $10 off $35+ at // expires May 10th

5.  May Day

Today is May Day so how do I have my mom's May Day party  documented already?  Well, it turned out that April 29th was the most convenient day to celebrate May 1st. Whatever works! ;)  As with all my mom's parties we were served delicious eats and goodies, the kids crafted, and we left with some fantastic treats! 

This year the girls' "May Day baskets" from my parents were Muppets themed!  Princess' goodies and flowers were tucked inside of a Rowlf mug my late Grandma Pat gave me as a child years ago.  How special is that?  Little One received hers in a Miss Piggy Welch's jar from the year her daddy and I were married, 1998.  My parents are so thoughtful, adding extra special touches to each gift they give!  

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  It makes my heart happy to have you here!  Wishing you a beautiful first weekend of May!

Earlier this week on Chatting Over Chocolate:

Check it out here:  Favorite Things // DISNEY Accessories

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Two date nights in one week is awesome, especially when yummy take-out food is involved! Glad you guys got to spend so much quality time together this week :)

  2. Aww I love the date nights! Those bbq nachos look delicious! I love Charming Charlie's but the 'closest' one to us is two hours away :( Have a great weekend

  3. Love that you had two date nights. They are so important! Where has Charming Charlie been all my life? Their stuff looks great!

  4. Those flowers your little girl picked are the prettiest!! Sounds like a fantastic week for you. I loooove me some Panda Express, too, and those nachos sound amazing. Have a great weekend, Brenda!

  5. I love how full of special moments your weeks are! And how simple they are too. Just simple and special. Love the flowers/weeds too! Aria always picks the flower weeds in the yard. Can't beat em!

  6. Happy May! Sounds like a darn good week to me. Yay for date nights! And hand picked flowers! I also love your Charming Charlies finds. One finally opened by us maybe a year ago and I just visited for the first time a few weeks ago. I seriously wanted one of everything - lol. I ended up with a shirt, shoes, and a pair of earrings. Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Those BBQ nachos and that bread pudding make my mouth water! Bread pudding is probably my favorite dessert! And I've never been to Charming Charlie but I've only heard good things...need to get myself to one!

  8. What a sweet hubby you have to suggest that date! I love it and the food looks delish as well!

  9. Yay for two date nights in a week! Now you have me craving Panda Express ;) I may have to have a Chinese food date night with my hubby soon!

  10. Two date nights in one week - that's awesome! I love BBQ nachos, had them for lunch today! Yum. We always celebrated May Day when I was little, I love that you all do too. Your girls will have sweet memories of all the fun things you do together. Hope your weekend was awesome! <3

  11. Visiting in return from H54F! This is the BEST recap. Loving the dates nights (and yummy food), your girls night, the cute little party, the flowers (how precious!). Hope your May is just as great!

  12. Wow! 2 date nights in a row?! That's awesome! I'm so glad that y'all got that, Brenda. Those scarves are SUPER cute. I really want the one with wording on it. Too bad it's sold out. I'm late to the party! And those flowers are beautiful! So sweet!

  13. How fun to celebrate May Day! What a gift your mom is to them!

    Those little weed flowers, are the most are right :)


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