
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Hello, friends!  3/4 of my family (myself included) have been sick this week, but...

 ...let's do this!

1.  Thoughtfulness of Loved Ones

Sunday morning I stayed home to care for Little One who was up half the night sick.  Poor sweetheart!  After church Jason stopped by the store to grab her medicine, then swung by and picked up my favorite chinese takeout for our lunch.  He is such a thoughtful daddy and husband.  I am so very grateful!

That evening I got sick with round two of this stomach bug myself.  Yes, I was the first of the four of us to have this, just a few weeks back!  This time around was rougher than the first, which made me feel even more sad for my girls who'd taken turns fighting it over the past couple weeks.  Jason followed after his three favorite ladies, waking ill on Monday morning.  

We're all on the mend now and will hopefully leave this yuckiness behind us completely soon.  However, the thoughtfulness and love shown to us during this time will be long remembered!  My parents are always eager to help in any way possible.  This week it came in the form of edible gifts.  They fully stocked us with groceries!  What a helpful surprise that truly was when both Jason and I were sick at the same time!  Those grocery sacks included things like soups, crackers, sparkling water, and Sierra Mist for Jason and I while down, as well as an abundance of yummy snacks and easy to prep meals for our girlies.  It was so helpful, incredibly thoughtful, and appreciated beyond what I can even articulate!  Thanks again, mom & dad!

If you know someone who's under the weather, preparing a meal or a picking up a sack of groceries to leave on their doorstep would surely bless them too!

Next Up:  Kate Spade Goodies!

Preface to #2 & 3

As many of you know, online bargain hunting is my favorite sport!  Sometimes it actually pays in the form of cash back from sites/apps like Ebates.  I decided to take my "Big Fat (Ebates) Check" to the Kate Spade Friends & Family Sale last weekend.  I found two fabulous items to spend my bargain "earnings" on!  With the help of a 25% off code and free shipping, I spent less than my Ebates return.  Not even a dime came out of our personal budget! HOORAY for fabulous (basically) free goodies!

There's just something about opening a box with its contents neatly tucked inside gorgeous tissue paper that can make any day feel like a birthday!

Here's a closer look at the pretties...

2.  Take Note Little Gold Book

This was my first Kate Spade stationary item and I am in love!  I adore everything from its gold exterior and pink tipped pages, to its inside covers lined in shiny gold polka dots and the sweet silk ribbon for marking a page in style!  There's also a lit'l secret compartment in the form of a pouch hiding out in the back of the book.  I've always been a huge fan of a fresh new notebook, but this one truly takes the cake!  *happy sigh*

3.  Raise a Glass Water Bottle

Cheers to being more motivated than ever to stay hydrated with my new glass water bottle!  Ever since I was a little girl I've always loved pink and red together.  I adore this color combo in my new beverage buddy!

4.  Best Excuse for Chocolate EVER!

I've been tracking my daily eats with the LoseIt! app as I work towards a new weight loss goal.  It notices your daily eating habits and offers helpful tips accordingly.  My jaw nearly hit the floor when I read this one! ...

That's the best news I've heard all week! ;)  

I'm guessing this is true for me because chocolate is my sweet spot.  It doesn't take much to satisfy that craving, yet curbs my temptation for other junk food.  In any case, I'm happy to hear that a chocolate a day keeps extra calories away! 

5.  Full House Reboot // Fuller House!

They're coming back!!! Well, at least some of them are!

Here's what I've gathered from reading up on this exciting news:

Fuller House will start as a one-hour reunion special, continuing on as a spin off.  This 13-episode revival series is set to hit Netflix in 2016.  The show will revolve around recently widowed D.J. (now "D.J. Tanner-Fuller"), who grew up to be a mother and veterinarian.  She's mom to two boys, with another little one on the way.  Her sons are described as a rebellious 12 year old named J.D., and neurotic 7 year old, Max.  After the loss of her spouse, a relative and old friend move in to help out.  Hmm... that scenario sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it? ;)  Who's coming to give her that support?  Her old BFF, Kimmy, along with her "feisty" teenage daughter Ramona will be there.  That pair is bound to bring a lit'l quirkiness back into the mix!  Rounding out the adult trio will be the middle Tanner child, aspiring musician, Stephanie.  Still no word if the Olsen twins will return for this spin off.  If so, who do you think will play Michelle?  Perhaps they'd tag team it like the good ol' days?

Wanna take a trip down a San Francisco Memory Lane?

*If you are reading this blog post via an email subscription you can view this video here.

That mashup of 8 seasons in one intro filled my eyes with happy, nostalgic tears!  It seems like yesterday I was growing up right alongside that sweet Tanner family. ;)  

Are you tickled pink about this news for a spin off?  What other television show would you love to see a revival of?

Thanks so much for visiting today!  Have a lovely weekend, sweet friends!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

Check it out here:  Target Beauty Box // Spring 2015

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Oh, how I love me some Kate Spade. Very pretty and awesome that you were able to use your ebates for that! Hope you are all feeling much better. :)

  2. Such a cute water bottle!
    So sorry ya'll have been sick..that's just the worst!
    I'm SUPER excited about the Full House spinoff yay!!!!!!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that you were all sick - so happy that you are all on the mend just in time for the weekend!! Love your new KS goodies! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. SO pumped for Fuller House!! I hope it's good. Have you watched the Boy Meets World spinoff at all with your girls?? It's actually kind of cute! I LOVE your Kate Spade goodies, too, especially that little gold book. Have a great weekend, Brenda!

  5. Love that "bloggers gonna blog" print! I need that for my office! Of course then I'd be humming "Shake it off" all day. Ha.

    I'm sorry you all have been sick! Hopefully the worst is over and everyone will be feeling better next week!

    My very conservative parents deprived me of Full House growing up, so I'm not even totally sure which one is DJ. Ha.

    Have a lovely weekend! <3

  6. We've all been sick too! A head/chest cold. Yuck!! That Kate Spade stuff is adorable!! And yay for Fuller House! :)

  7. So sorry to hear you all have been so sick lately! Glad you guys are on the mend. So excited to hear about the Full House spin off!! I would love to watch that!

  8. chocolate a day keeps extra calories away = best part of the post ha that app sounds so cool !

  9. Loving the new KS water bottle! And chocolate every day sounds like a great way to keep in check. You are esp right that it only takes a little.

    But oh man what a bummer about the rounds of the bug hitting everybody. I hope it is gone for good with this mending.

  10. Glad you all are feeling better after a week of the bug. Not fun at all. Happy to hear about the Full House Spinoff too. It was my favorite Friday night show when it was on. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

  11. That water bottle is awesome!! I love the color combo too. Glad you are feeling better. Nothing worse than a sick child unless it's a sick parent taking care of a sick child. :( I'm super excited about Fuller House too.

  12. So glad to hear you're on the mend. That Kate Spade notebook is beautiful. And I'd love to know that chocolate makes me eat less.

  13. Sorry to hear you've been sick, but glad to hear everyone's on the mend! Those Kate Spade goodies are too cute:) Also, I missed out on the Target Beauty Box this time and it made me so sad:( I love those little things!

  14. Your Kate Spade goodies are adorable! Good to know that eating chocolate helps you eat less! Glad everyone is feeling better!

    Doused In Pink

  15. I LOVE the Little Gold Book, how darling? And fashion-forward:). Another excuse for chocolate! It's like the app gets ya:). Hopped over from the linkup, have a great weekend!

  16. Hope you all are bouncing back now! That Kate Spade notebook is so cute. I'd hate to write in it. I love fun notebooks and stationary. Making lists is so much fun in them. And I've been really excited about the Fuller House news!! YAY! Hope you're having a great weekend, and thanks for linking up again at H54F!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  17. I'm loving the Lose It App gave you that pop up note! Too funny. Hey....whatever works!

  18. Love your Kate Spade goodies!!! Hope you're feeling better!

  19. Love love love your Kate Spade purchases. I've been wanting a KS journal and I really love glass water bottles. That one is beautiful! I heard about the Fuller House thing on Netflix. I can't wait to watch it - totally nostalgic for me. I LOVED it growing up. I heard the Olsen twins may not do it. We'll see. I don't know if they could tag team it...they look kind of different now I think. We'll see!


I would love to hear from you today! I enjoy reading each and every comment I receive. (I do moderate them before they're published. Gotta keep it family friendly! ;)) Let's chat! B.Y.O.C. {Bring Your Own Chocolate!}