
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy Friday, friends!  Let's get right to the good stuff!

1.  DWTS Disney Night

Monday night was "Disney Night" on Dancing with the Stars. I usually watch it by myself, but this theme made for a super fun family night!

From the opening number I was in {happy} tears!  Disney gets me every time!!

The theming, costumes, music, and choreography were fantastic!  It was hands down the best episode I've ever seen!  

Here are a few of my favorites from that night...

If you are reading via an email subscription, you can find the videos at these links:

2.  Little Bargain Shopper!

Taking after her mama, my lit'l sweetie pie was so excited to stretch her dollar F-A-R this week!  She had her eye on a cute plush in the Easter aisle at Walmart a few weeks back.  I let her in on the secret that after holidays they mark everything down, and if she waited a bit she could likely get a super great deal on it.  This week we headed to Walmart with her money, a whole $1.34.  These stuffed animals were originally $2.98 and she really hoped they had come down to where she could afford one with her own money.  (Although I would've gladly chipped in a quarter if needed. ;))  When we got to that pretty pastel section of the store we found all things Easter were 90% off!  Not only could she get one, she now had enough for three!  When we arrived home she burst thru the door and shouted cheerfully, "Daddy, I saved $8.07!"  She used my phone's calculator in the car to quickly figure out exactly how great the deal she scored truly was!  She's a girl after my own heart!

3.  tax day:  an excuse for deliciousness

The BLT pizza from Pizza Ranch is one of my taste buds' favorite things!  Wednesday they offered double ranch reward points, so we simply couldn't resist! 

Speaking of pizza and taxes (this is likely the only time I'll begin a sentence in that way), have you seen Pizza Hut's National Pizza Return?  

You can fill out a "P-2" answering those big life questions like "Approximately how many pepperonis did you eat in 2014?"  Once you've tallied up your total to all the questions, mail it in for a chance to win your net pizza return in gift cards.  If you've got a few minutes and a stamp, you never know, it could be your ticket to a free pizza party! 

4.  s l u m b e r   p a r t y 

This week Jason was out of town on business.  While he was away the girlies and I had a good ol' fashioned slumber party complete with scrumptious snacks, lots of chatting, laughter, manis, and makeovers.  As much as I missed my hubs, I soaked up the special "girls time" with my sweeties!

5.  Liebster Award Q & A

Kylie from KYLIEMCGRAW  nominated me for a Liebster Award.  How sweet is that?  Since I've accepted a few in my early days of blogging, I thought rather than doing a full "award acceptance" post it'd be fun to answer Kylie's questions in this week's 5 Loves.  Thanks again for the nomination, Kylie!  Here are some A's to your Q's...

1.  Why did you start your blog?

(as a creative outlet ;))

2.  What are you passionate about?

C h r i s t 

f a m i l y 

D i s n e y 

3.  What is your favorite workout, if any?

4.  What is your favorite late night snack?

cheese, crackers, and Whole Foods' curried chicken salad

5.  Describe your idea of the perfect day.

Here's what an ideal day in my area would look like...

6.  What are three things you never leave home without?

This time of year I often head out for walks without toting a bag, so I'll go with...

7.  Would you rather live in a small town or a busy city?

I see great benefits to both, so I'd be happy in either!  If Hart of Dixie's small town, Bluebell, were a real place I'd be packing up a.s.a.p.! ;)

8.  What is your biggest pet peeve?

Poor customer service is my biggest pet peeve.  This stems from my time working in retail management.  I'm appalled by the apathy in stores and restaurants these days.  If you are getting paid to do a job, just do it with a smile.  If you can't muster one, find a different job where you aren't working with people. 

9.  What is your favorite vacation spot?

Walt Disney World!

To read more about our adventures at my favorite vacation spot see my Disney Trip Reports page!

10.  What is one quality that you admire in other people?


"Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips." - Proverbs 27:2

Tickled pink that you stopped by today!  Wishing you a fabulous upcoming weekend!  

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Brenda...I'm so glad I visited. We are Disney fanatics, too. Our family tradition each year (God willing) is to visit Disneyland. We've been 14 times as a family and enjoy it each every time. It's always a new adventure. I am definitely going to check out the dancing videos you shared. Visiting from Friday Favorites link up. Have a great week.

  2. Oh my goodness I bet you WERE in heaven during that Dancing with the Stars episode! I don't watch the show but even I would have liked to see that! Going to have to settle and just watch some of the videos you posted instead! Happy Friday Brenda!!

  3. Love the Liebster Award questions. I am right there with you about only working out because I like dessert. Trust me, I don't run because it's super fun. ;) Have a great weekend!

  4. YES! I loved the DWTS Disney night! My sister and I were religious DWTS viewers but I haven't been into it since she moved out last year. I happened upon last week's program on a random 8:00 channel surfing spree....and was thrilled! My husband acted like he was just obliging me but I know he loved it as much as I did. I got so tickled at how committed Riker was to his character. He was a great Jack Sparrow! :)

    Have a lovely weekend! <3

  5. Hahaha the "creative outlet!!" That pizza looks amazing, and I just went back and watched some of theDisney DWTS videos, and they are so good!

  6. Every Friday, I look forward to your posts :)

    Oh goodness, we were watching DWTS also! My favorite was the Alice one and the Pirates also (I have never seen the pirate movies..but it makes me want to!)

  7. I loved DWTS this week - such a fun night!! Oh my that pizza looks incredible lady!! I hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  8. haha loved all the pics in your Q&A section! Isn't it true - you are either at disney or missing it. Even though we live so close and go as often as we can...never enough!
    I've never watched it always so elaborately themed? Pretty intense!

  9. I like Dancing with the Stars too but I don't get to see the whole show most of the time, usually the 2nd hour. Thanks for posting the opening dance. It was great with the animation added. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  10. I have Disney Night on my DVR to watch this weekend...can't wait!!! Loved learning more about you! YAY for the Liebster!! Have a great weekend!

  11. Ha! Loved how she got a great deal and even calculated how much she saved! It's like the best thing to get that good of a deal. You just can't NOT share! ;)

  12. I love all your pictures! Congrats on your Liebster award, that's fantastic. It's a great way to get to know you more and learn about bloggers you follow. Since I just recently discovered your blog, I enjoyed reading these! Even though I was born and raised in a fairly big city, I've always felt like I am a small town girl. Bluebell would definitely be the ideal small town I'd love to live in. Just love that town in the show! Hope you had a great fun-filled weekend!!

  13. BLT pizza?!? Yum!!
    I can't wait to take my boys to Disney ((someday!!)) :)

  14. Your daughter is a girl after my own heart! And I think the sleepover is just the sweetest!



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