
Friday, March 27, 2015

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy FRIDAY!!!  How's your week been?  I'm excited to share five loves from mine with you all  right  about  NOW!...

1.  Phoebe the Painted Fox

Little One's BFF celebrated her birthday with a painting party!  The birthday girl's mom (a sweet friend from our church family) is an extremely talented artist who teaches classes in her own home studio.  She taught the party goers how to paint a fox...

 How adorable is this lit'l masterpiece?!  She named her Phoebe. :)

2.  Cousin Time!

My sister invited my girlies out for the day on Saturday and had all sorts of fun planned for them!  Even though I wasn't there, this had to make my five!  Receiving these sweet snaps via text throughout the day was definitely a highlight of this past week!  These cute kiddos melt my heart!

4.  DISNEY WORLD Wardrobe

We joke that since we homeschool we don't buy our girls "school clothes" each August, instead get them "Disney clothes" before each vacation! ;)  Last week I paired coupon codes for 25% off and free shipping with already discounted Disney cuteness.  When these additions to the girls' next Disney wardrobe arrived on our doorstep it felt like Christmas!

This wearable Disney magic gets me giddy for our next trip to WDW later this year!  (To see the FUN we enjoyed during our last trip click here! :))  Princess' fave is the "I stay current" Ariel tank.  Little One can hardly wait to wear the Minnie dress with the red collar!  I just wish I could fit into that Cinderella blue "the right shoes can change your life" tee! :)

Links to the Pixie Dusted Pretties:

I purchased all items shared in this post.  I am in no way affiliated with JCPenney.  

4.   Little One Styling Herself

She immediately fell in love with this dress when it arrived in our mailbox on Wednesday.  She went into her room, and came out with a stylish scarf, a pop of color on her wrist, and four bottles of nail polish to get all dolled up before heading to church.  This outfit was spring perfection and the fact that she threw it together herself made this mama smile great big!

Psst... this striped tee shirt dress is currently on sale for $6.99 at!  Have I mentioned I love a great deal?! ;)   I also got her the Woodblock Floral Cami Dress in Cream/Pink ($10) and the Ribbon Belt Polka Dot Dress in Grey/Navy ($7.99)  At the time I purchased these dresses there was a coupon code available for an additional 10% off and free shipping.  Coupon codes are constantly changing as they're available for a limited time.  Before making any online purchases I highly recommend checking out for current coupon codes!  Who doesn't love additional savings? :)

5.  POPSUGAR Goodies!

I've been thoroughly enjoying the contents of this month's POPSUGAR Must Have box!  If you missed it, you can check out my detailed reveal post here. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by today, sweet friends!!!

You may also be interested in:

Flashback Friday Recipe // Check it out here:  Cadbury Spring S'more Mix

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. How sweet is your daughter and she looks so stylist!! Love the look she picked out!! I love the pouch you got in your pop sugar box - so cute!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Happy Friday! I loooove all the Disney outfits! That fox is awesome - what a fun party idea too. I vaguely remember going to a schoolmate's home to do pottery with her mom - might have been for girl scouts though. And, fun when your kids love their new outfits and want to go put them on right away! Plus, you can't go wrong with new nail polish.

  3. I love that you buy them Disney clothes, so fun! Cousin time is the best and I'm glad the girls had fun - loving the fox too!
    Happy weekend Brenda!

  4. Loooove the painting! SO talented! Your girls always make my day brighter! Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! xo

  5. What a great idea to have a paint party for little girls! Who wouldn't love that? You daughter is so stylish, I think was still running around in t-shirts at her age. Have a great weekend!

  6. Oh my gosh, what a great haul from the Disney store! You must teach me your ways!! We are going to Disneyland in December and I really want to get Mia a couple of character outfits BEFORE we go so that I can score a good deal instead of paying above and beyond full price at the park, ha!
    Your girls are so beautiful and talented! Lucky momma!

  7. That's such a fun idea for a children's party! Phoebe the fox is adorable. She did a great job.

  8. She did a fabulous job with her painting! Love! What a fun idea for a party!

    Love your Disney shirt haul!

  9. Your youngest looks so grown up in that picture with her new dress and scarf!!! Also, love the Disney wardrobe! Check out because I found lots of Disney and Cinderella clothes for kids, teens and they had beautiful Cinderella shirts for adults, too! Lauren Conrad has a whole Cinderella line out! They almost always have a 15% off as well.

  10. I love that the girls get Disney clothes!! I love all of their shirts and outfits! Also, Phoebe the Fox is the cutest - what a great birthday idea :)

  11. Oh..that wardrobe is to die for cute!!!!! We have some of the same ones for our little one, yet no plans for Disney until 2017 ;( ..but it will be here before we know it!
    Can't wait to hear about ya'lls trip!

  12. Awesome job on the painting!! Super Cute Disney Clothes!! I want some of that for me!! :) And I absolutely love your sweet girl's style!! Fashionista!! Have a great weekend Brenda!! Take care!!

  13. Wow! Nice Disney outfit haul!! Love it all. Also, in case you were interested, I had seen on Lauren Conrad's website that she added some Cinderella-themed clothes to her line that's out right now. It's at Kohl's. Not sure of the prices or how much there is to choose from, but I know that Kohl's often has those $10 coupons. :)

  14. So glad to finally have realized you're blogging again! :) I love the "I stay current" t-shirt! So cute!

  15. Phoebe the fox!! How cute!
    What a great idea for a party :)
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!!

  16. That fox is adorable!!! It turned out so great. That's such a cool idea for a birthday party! And love all those Disney clothes. So smart to stock up before heading there and avoid paying the high prices at the park!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  17. Sounds like you had a fantastic week. I love the birthday party idea. I also love the Disney shirts. I can't wait to take my little guy to Disney World one day.

    Della@Della Devoted


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