
Friday, March 20, 2015

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday & HAPPY SPRING, friends!!!

 Hope you've all enjoyed a fantastic week!  So much has gone on here that I decided this week's loves will be listed chronologically, as I could never order them by which I loved most!  Let's get right to it!

1. Loving ALL things CINDERELLA!

We absolutely  L-O-V-E-D  Cinderella!!!  It was so beautifully done and well cast!  (That's all I'll say as I don't want to give any spoilers!)  This week I got the Spotify app, and we've been listening to the Cinderella soundtrack on a loop.  It's all so lovely!  My only complaint is that "Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)" isn't on the album!  I sang that song for days after the movie.  

Our Spring (Disney Vacation Club) Disney Files magazine arrived this week with an article about the making of Cinderella.  "What if we made a movie where kindness was a superpower?" was a question posed by the director as they set out to make this movie.  I'd take courage and kindness over any marvel superhero powers! ;)

2.  Celebrate Good Times, C'mon!

Saturday afternoon my parents threw a birthday party for my Aunt Ednah.  We enjoyed a yummy lunch, lots of chatting and laughter, and I may have taken pictures of everyone at the party and turned them into pirates, villains, and Star Wars characters courtesy of the Show Your Disney Side app.  So fun & totally hilarious! :)

my girlies and nephew posing with their Great Aunt Ednah // sweet celebratory yummies // Little One giving the Birthday Girl a cute craft she made in honor of this fun occasion


My mom always hosts the cutest themed parties for her daycare families, and sweetly invites us over to get in on the festive fun!  Here are some snapshots from her St. Patrick's Day party this week...

the girls & my mom {aka: the hostess with the mostess}  // sweet treats from Grandma Kathy's kitchen // How cute is the jello with candy rainbows that one of the parents prepped for the kiddos?!  So clever!

3.  S H O P P I N G 

The girlies and I buzzed over to Target while Jason had musical worship practice before church on Sunday morning.  Let me tell you, 8am is a glorious hour to be at Target!  It was so quiet and we pretty much felt like we had the entire store to ourselves! The girls each got some new shades for the sunshiney season that awaits.  Princess got (her first) mascara, some new hair ribbons and elastics, and a small notebook for sketching on the go.  Little One was tickled pink to spot these My Little Pony goodies for her tootsie toes so I couldn't resist treating her to them. :)

After church, we spent the afternoon at the Guitar Center, which is basically a huge playground for my music loving family!  Jason bought a mandolin.  I have so enjoyed hearing a new instrument around the house.  My husband rocks (literally ;))!


I scored some major deals and filled my mailbox with all sorts of fun this week!

I fell in love with some fabulous lace shoes at Target on Sunday morning, but they didn't have my size at the store.  I hopped on their website that afternoon to search for them.  Not only did I find my size, they were $5 cheaper, plus they offered 10% off when purchasing 2 pair, and free shipping!  How could I resist?!  I saved $7 on the lace pair by purchasing them online, and paid just $12.23 for the cutesy polka dot sneakers after the discounts!  Love a bargain (or two!)

via // via


Goodies from Kohl's!

I'm so ready for a fresh mani with Essie's Blossom Dandy from their Spring 2015 polish line!  Loving our new (bed & cookie) sheets that I scored amazing deals on too!  I put my cardholder offers of 30% off and free shipping to fantastic use!  These soft 525-thread count sheets normally run $109.99, but I paid just $34.99 for the set!  DEAL!


Disney mail is always EXCITING!!!


my 1st ever POPSUGAR Must Have Box arrived!!!  

* A full reveal post coming SOON! *

5.  Cheesecake Factory Double Date

My sweet in-laws treated Jason and I to a delicious feast last night!  We enjoyed such great conversation, and an abundance of scrumptious food and drinks!  It was a precious and memorable evening together!!! 

{food photographs via The Cheesecake Factory Menu}

 Our Appetizer:  Thai Lettuce Wraps
 One of my FAVORITE beverages:  Raspberry Lemonade
The Cheesecake Factory Specialty I enjoyed:  Spicy Cashew Chicken 
The cheesecake that caught Jason's eye/Our fab finale: Fresh Banana Cream Cheesecake

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  Wishing you all a beautiful first weekend of spring!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife
If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Happy First day of Spring!!

    I'm glad you guys loved Cinderella! The trailers look great. I think we'll have to wait for netflix on it though.
    Loving the rainbow jello. I meant to make green jello for Aria but it completely slipped my mind.
    First mascara!! How exciting.
    You always get the best deals - love the lace shoes, and the polka dot. Those are both awesome.
    I've never been to the Cheesecake Factory but I can get behind cheesecake always. I don't think I'd seen Jason was sporting a beard - it looks great on him.

  2. We LOVED Cinderella!!!! We just went to the disney store yesterday and a sweet lady gave my little one a cute little magnet frame and I squealed about it..haha!!
    Adore all the St. Paddy day magic!
    Such cute finds also..what a great week!

  3. I love your new shoes - they are perfect for the new season and that essie color is really pretty too! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  4. Happy Friday! I can't wait to see Cinderella (although, sadly, it probably won't be until it's out on DVD). And those lace shoes - LOVE! I have to go find those! I love anything lace! Your Cheesecake Factory double date looked fabulous - that place never disappoints! Have a great weekend!

  5. Aww, I can't believe the Dilly Dilly song isn't on the album. I left the theater humming that song. You had quite the fun week, I must say. Love those lace shoes. We're going to Cheesecake Factory tonight for my niece's birthday. Thanks for the timely menu suggestions!

  6. We are so obsessed with Cinderella right now, too!!! I went to see the Cinderella movie with a friend on opening night and we both loved it!! I am contemplating taking Elin. She loves Cinderella right now as well but since it's not animated I am not sure about it. She would love the Frozen mini-movie before it as well!

  7. What a fun week! Loving those Target shoes. I can't decide which one I like more, actually. And Target at 8AM any day is just so wonderful. It's the perfect time to wander :) I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!! Thanks for linking up at H54F!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  8. Glad yall had a blast getting to see Cinderella. If I don't get to the theatre, I will catch it when it comes out on DVD. I have been to our Cheesecake Factory only once because it is way over on the other side of town but it was wonderful. Have a wonderful Spring weekend....

  9. I kept singing the Dilly Dilly song to myself tonight! So funny that I read that you were doing the same thing after the movie. lol
    Jas' mandolin is very cool! I love that you guys are so into music. :)
    Looks like yet another awesome week for the Platts!

  10. I'm so excited to see Cinderella! My mom, sister, and I are planning on seeing it in a few weeks and I can't wait! I love your new shoes (especially the lace flats!) and your new nail polish color! They are perfect details to welcome Spring in!

  11. I LOVED CINDERELLA!!! They did such a great job on that movie! Those lace flats are fabulous and perfect for spring!


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