
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

February Favorites!

Hello, lovelies!  I've rounded up my favorite duos from the love month and am so excited to share them with you today!

This is not a sponsored post.  All products were purchased by myself, or were gifts from my sweet hubby.  All opinions are my own.  This post contains a few affiliate links.  If you click through those links and make a purchase I receive a small commission (at no cost to you).  Your support of this blog is greatly appreciated!  

1.  Germaphobe Approved Awesomeness!
This is my new favorite gadget! We got it while making some updates to our bathroom.  I'm so happy with it that I plan to get one for my kitchen too!


2. Scent-sational Goodness
While waiting for this seemingly never-ending winter to wrap up, this beachy fragrance is helping me {pretend to} escape!


3.  Book + Blanket
A soft throw and excellent book are a perfect combo to enjoy a quiet moment with!

A snippet about this book:

As Christians, we're certainly not immune to the troubles of life. We aren't promised an easy road, and when troubles do come, we're urged to rise above them and experience "peace that passes all understanding." But how, in day-to-day life, does that really happen?

While numerous books have been written on overcoming anxiety, Anxious for Nothing moves us beyond pop psychology's temporary cures by returning us to our one true source of comfort and victory—Scripture. John MacArthur reminds us that God is completely sovereign, understands our struggles, and has equipped us with resources to not only face, but also to triumph completely over our anxieties. offers this book for $10.50 + FREE Shipping! // Amazon has the eBook for only $3.03!  Either way, it is worth every lit'l penny! 


4.  Junk Food 'n' Jammies
What's better than R&R in a fresh new pair of lounge pants?  Relaxing with a super scrumptious snack!  These PB gems are hard to find, but whenever I spot one I reward myself by purchasing it! ;)


5.  Dinner with a Side of Disney
If you're current on my posts here, this is no surprise!  I cannot get enough of these plates!!  Using my new convection oven is even more fun when I get to serve meals on these pixie dusted pretties!  We broke them in last week with some seafood enchiladas - YUMmm!


6.  My Valentine Gifts
My {sweet, thoughtful, amazing} husband surprised me with a new phone for Valentine's Day!  Loving my cutesy case too!


There you have it, a dozen delights from the last month to officially go down in the books! 

Wishing you a fabulous March!  I'm doing my best not to wish it away in the great anticipation of spring!  It's the only March 2015 we'll ever have, so let's embrace it. Bundle up & enjoy!

Linking up:
Make Me Up Mia

...If you're visiting from the link up, be sure to say, "Hello!"  I'd love to come check out your Feb. faves too! ;)

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  1. That soap dispenser!! Need! I also need to combine it with that tap faucet in the kitchen when I need to wash my hands after doing the meats for cooking. Icks.
    Now I want enchiladas. And, Chris knows I want a disney kitchen when we get a house already =) How much more fun is it to cook if you can do it with a little Disney magic!

  2. Holy cow those enchiladas look amazing! And you are not the first person I've seen to love the soap dispenser. I am totally with you on that one, haha!

  3. Thanks for joining us girl! I LOVE Twix, and now I want one. Peanut butter is probably my favorite thing on the planet... I need some new scents for my Wallflower, that one sounds pretty perfect to me ;)

  4. We have the same soap dispenser at home and love it! Those enchiladas look amazing - I need to check out that recipe! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. Oh my gosh! Brenda you got such an awesome gift from your husband!! Very very cute case with it too! I've been wanting to try some of the Simple Human products as well. And those enchiladas look/sound amazing :) Yum! That book is going on my list to read. Sounds like something I need to read! Thanks for linking up, friend!

  6. Aren't those b&bw wallflowers awesome?! I love mine! iPhone 6 for the win-what a sweet hubby!!

  7. Oooh yum, I'm pinning that enchiladas recipe right now - we LOVE Mexican food in our house. Somehow I've never had a Twix PB, but it looks delicious. I still can't get over those pjs and there's a chance I'm opening another tab to go to the Disney store right now.... ;)

  8. We have a similar soap dispenser in our kitchen! My mom had received one as a gift and I LOVED it so much that she bought me one! :) Germaphobes unite! ;) Peanut Butter Twix......LOVE! I haven't had one in years! I remember driving to a specific gas station in a city I used to live to purchase them! And those PANTS! SO much love! <3 Great post, my friend, as always!

  9. Enjoyed reading about your favorites!!

  10. Since you like Beach Cabana, you should try Tiki Beach. I also have it in the room spray and I like to spray it in the bathroom while taking a bubble bath!!!


  11. I will have to look for the peanut butter twix. It looks great but I haven't found it yet here in our neck of the woods.

  12. I love using Bath and Body home fragrance throughout my house too. I have quite a collection of candles from them. and I use the Wallflowers in several rooms. I haven't tried Beach Cabana yet, so I will definitely be checking that out next time I'm in the store. :)
    Those PJ pants are so CUTE! I want them!!

    xo Always, Abby


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