
Friday, March 13, 2015

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday, friends!!!  It has been such a full and fantastic week since we last chatted!  I can hardly wait to share some of our "wild" adventures, and a couple of my new favorite apps, one will save you money, the other will allow you to donate to a charity of your choice without costing you a dime!  

1.  My Ideal Saturday

{via // via}

Last Saturday was one of those as close to perfection as you can get outside of Disney World kinda days!  The first half of the day was spent lounging in pajamas flipping through my favorite magazines, snuggled up on the couch with the hubs watching Fixer Upper while the kiddos played.  When it hit a lovely 60º we headed out to trails near the lake for a sweet family walk and talk.

 Afterward, we got some Mexican food and headed back to the lake to nosh with a gorgeous view!  While we enjoyed our queso covered goodness we watched bald eagles "chillin'" on ice patches in the middle of the lake.  They continually flew over us too.  It was such a beautiful sight!  Unfortunately, my iPhone's camera didn't pick them up well, but here's a snap where you can make out 3 or 4 of them...

2.  A Year of "Wild" Adventures Ahead!

This week we purchased an annual family membership to a nearby zoo, which just happened to be named the "#1 Zoo in the World" by Trip Advisor. ...We agree! ;)  

We spent much of Sunday there appreciating the beauty of God's amazing creation.  Many cute animals were adored, a 3D IMAX movie was watched, and sweet memories were made as a family!

All that fun works up an appetite, so this yumminess followed...

It was a sweet 'n' delicious day together!

3.  Family Walks + Charity Miles
One of our favorite things to do as a family is to hit a nearby pedestrian bridge for a nice walk together.  This week I came across an app that will give to the charity of our choice whenever we do!

Charity Miles is an app that uses your phone's GPS to track the miles you walk, run, or bike (indoor or outdoor) and pairs you with a sponsoring company that is willing to donate 25 cents for every mile walked/10 cents for each biked, to the charity of your choice!  There are 30+ charities to choose from.  I've been walking for St. Jude Children's Hospital this week.  It's so nice to be able to help other families, in a small way, while enjoying precious time out in the sunshine with my own!

4.  Regaining the Lost Hour

Jason was able to head out of work a little early on Thursday afternoon, so the hour we lost on Sunday in the time change we regained with an extra hour of family time! ;)  The temp rose to 77º, so a second trip to the zoo this week was in order.  "Hanging out" with gibbons and sloths was a fab way to spend a weekday afternoon together!

5.  PAY ME for shopping?!  Yes, please & thank you!

Y'all know I enjoy online shopping and I  L-O-V-E  a bargain!!! I cannot believe how much money simply clicking through before shopping, or using my Ebates app can reward me in cash!  For example, this week I bought some new sheets (of the bed and cookie varieties).  I scored some major deals as I found sales, and had promo codes for free shipping and an additional 30% off.  On top of the already fantastic savings I ended up earning another $7.08 cash back from Ebates for that one inexpensive purchase!  AMAZING!!!

If you haven't signed up for an Ebates account, I HIGHLY recommend it!  Here's a link if you'd like to create an account before you spend another penny online.  Why not get some money back on what you're going to buy anyway?  Oh, how I heart extra savings!!!

Have a sweet weekend, lovelies!  We've got our advance tickets to Cinderella, so it's sure to be a magical one for my lit'l family! :)  Anyone else heading to the (cinematic) ball?

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup  The Diary of a Real Housewife

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. I absolutely love ebates...actually used it a few times this week - gotta love when people pay me to shop!! That app that helps you donate with you just walking is amazing!! I need to check that out! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Your Saturday sounded fabulous! Love me some Fixer Upper!

    We've been big fans of the zoo lately. Our local zoo is small, but very nice. I've been thinking about getting us passes as well. It's a perfect outdoor activity for kids (and adults too!).

    That Charity Miles app is SUCH a great idea. I will be getting that for sure!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  3. That last weekend sounded absolutely ideal!!! Even Mexican food (my favorite!). And I need to remember to use eBates! My mother-in-law loves it too. I just need to get in the habit!! Hope you have another wonderful weekend and some nice weather!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  4. What a gorgeous Saturday! Good food, hiking and that gorgeous lake?! Sign me up! We are eagerly awaiting our annual family pass to the Phoenix Zoo to arrive in the mail! I love living near so many fun things to do again!
    I'm downloading Charity Miles right now! What an awesome app!! Thank you for sharing!

  5. I always forget to go through my ebates account! I really need to remember! I love your perfect day! It really does sound so lovely :) Love all the zoo time! Have a wonderful weekend, Brenda!

  6. You know how I feel about that zoo! :) And WE are going to Cinderella tonight as well!!!! HAPPY weekend, friend!!!!

  7. Oooh, I'm so excited for Cinderella! All of your family time and picnics sound so fun!

  8. YAY for awesome times with your sweet family!! I can't wait to see Cinderella!! And I kinda love that Rose form Downton Abbey is Cinderella!! Can't wait to hear what you thought!! Have a great weekend Brenda!!

  9. That pedestrian bridge looks beautiful. I need to get back walking myself. I need to go to our zoo. I have not been in a long time. What wonderful memories yall are making in all of your fun stuff as a family. Love the 60 and 70 degree weather. Had a few nice days here as well. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  10. That sounds like the most perfect Saturday. I love those kinds of days. Yay for Ebates. I love getting that check in the mail. I hope you enjoy Cinderella. I really want to see it.

  11. It sounds like you had a great week! Mexican food is some of my favorite and going to the zoo is always so much fun! I hope you enjoyed Cinderella too! I'm excited to see it!

  12. I've never seen bald eagles outside of a zoo before. So cool! And the app that gives to charity? That's incredible and motivation to get out there and walk! Sounds like ya'll had a great week together!

  13. I love trips to the zoo! And, ebates is fabulous - it was nice over the holidays. Every little bit counts! And, what a fun app for walking and charity. I hope you guys enjoy the movie. Chris and I went back and forth for a while about taking Aria - but ended up with not yet. Maybe when Frozen Two comes out - she's great at sitting still for a movie esp if popcorn is involved.

  14. I saw Cinderella on Saturday and loved it! It truly was magical :)

  15. We got an annual zoo pass also! I'm so excited because I think this year Juliet will be old enough to really enjoy it. Now if the weather in Ohio will just cooperate... sigh.

    Thanks for stopping by again :)

  16. I love eBates if I can just remember to use it. I love the idea of Charity Miles. I will definitely have to download it. Looks like you had a fantastic week. I can't wait to take my little guy to the zoo!

    Thanks for linking up to H54F!
    Della @ Della Devoted


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