
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Nerd Block Jr. Girls February 2015 Subscription Box Reveal!

For Valentine's Day I ordered Little One her first mail subscription box, Nerd Block Jr. Girls!  She was ecstatic when it arrived this week, and over the moon upon opening it!  Today I'm excited to share its contents with you all!


Wonderland Notebook
This 300 page notebook is so cute that I honestly wish that I had one for myself too!  The cover is a soft canvas, in the most beautiful blue.  She's already started journaling in it, recording daily events to share with her children one day.  How sweet is that? :)

Kirby Plush
He's super adorable and snuggly!  This lit'l guy was certainly one of the highlights of the box!

Elsa Figurine
You know girls everywhere were squealing over this lit'l toy!  Need I say more?

Nerd Block Exclusive Item - Cliccors
As the back of the packaging suggests, these are good for bending, twisting, and shaping.  So far hers have been worn as bracelets, bent into diamonds, hearts, and even shaped as Tetris blocks!

Nerd Block Exclusive Coloring Book
This coloring book features all sorts of cute monsters to color and games to play.  I love the advice on the front cover, "Don't worry about staying in the lines..."  I look forward to seeing this book come to life via Little One's crayon box!

Overall, her reaction and love for the box's contents made it a fantastic gift!  It was every bit as fun for me as the gift giver to watch her open it as the items inside were a surprise to me as well!

Nerd Block offers a variety of boxes, ranging in price from $13.99 to $19.99 per month.  The Nerd Block Jr. boxes are available in both girls and boys editions for $13.99 + shipping.  (It ships from Canada, bringing the total cost close to $20 for us here in the States.)  To see the other boxes available through Nerd Block you can visit their website at  

Little One isn't the only one in our family who received a surprise box of goodies for Valentine's Day.  I ordered Nerd Block for Jason too!  His classic edition box is expected to arrive by early next week.  Along with that, I also purchased a one month Loot Crate subscription for him.  Many more surprises await the Platt family!  Anyone wondering what Princess' Valentine gift was?  She received a custom made (by mom) DISNEY themed Box!  I may share those box reveals soon too! ;)

Thanks for stopping by!  It makes my heart happy to have you here!

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  1. SO fun!! I want to see the other boxes also!! We aren't "nerds" here...but this makes me want to be one..such neat little things in there!! The only thing I recognized was Elsa..ahahahahahahahaha.

  2. What a fantastic idea!! I never thought about subscription boxes for kids, but I just love this!! I think I know what we will be getting our goddaughter for her birthday this year!

  3. I've never heard of it before, but it sounds so neat! Looks like she'll have lots of fun with hers. P.S. LOVE that Wonderland notebook! I don't blame you for wanting one for yourself. lol


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