
Friday, February 20, 2015

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday, friends! I'm going to keep this post short & sweet as I'm feeling unwell. :(  Let's get right to it...

1.  Sweets from my Sweet 
I've been enjoying my {early} Valentine's Day gift for a few weeks now, but Jason couldn't resist hooking me up with some chocolatey goodness too.  Does he know his wife or what? ;)  

2.  A Relaxing & Delicious Holiday
We enjoyed a really laid back Valentine's Day, spent entirely in pajamas.  *happy sigh*  When evening rolled around we ordered takeout from our favorite Thai restaurant.  It was a pretty perfect day. :)

3.  Valentine's Party 2015  
My mom's annual daycare Valentine's party is always so sweet!  She and my dad prepped boxes for all the kiddos to decorate. Cute cards were swapped, adorable goodies were gobbled, and a great time was had by all!  Thanks again for inviting us to join in on the fun, Mom! 

4.  One of my favorite parts of the holiday was having an excuse to give gifts to my 3 loves!  Check out what Little One received: Nerd Block Jr. Girls February 2015 Box!  At the end of that blog post, I also shared what I gifted my other Valentines. ;) 

5.  My Disney Store Friends & Family Sale purchases arrived this week!! I'll be sharing a haul soon!  The bottom box shown weighed 13.70 lbs.  Any guesses what it contained a dozen of?

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  Have yourself a lovely weekend!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup  The Diary of a Real Housewife

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. I love any excuse to celebrate in pajamas, so your V Day sounds perfect to me! T and I are celebrating this weekend since I was away on the actual day (though I'm throwing an Oscar party and need to do lots of prep for that!). Hope you have a relaxing weekend and that you feel better soon!!!

  2. A V Day in pajamas sounds pretty ideal to me. So sorry you're not feeling well. Hopefully this weekend you'll be able to rest up and bounce back! Thanks for linking up with us at H54F!!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  3. sounds like a great week <3 Seriously..I NEED to know what is int hose boxes..haha. We had buy one get one for $1 friends for Valentines Day..eee!!

  4. What great Valentine's gifts. The nerd boxes are too cute!

  5. What great Valentine's Day gifts! I have to say I love your daughter's faux fur vest in your profile pic too! My 2 yr old has a faux fur leopard vest and it is insanely soft and insanely cute!

  6. You can't go wrong with chocolate for vday!! Glad to have found your blog, thanks for commenting on mine!!


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