
Friday, February 13, 2015

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday the 13th, friends!  Fun fact, my 13th Birthday was on a Friday the 13th and I had a sleepover with thirteen friends.  This day/date always brings back fond memories for me! :) ...Ok, on to more current fun!

1.  Celebrating Family

February is a happy heart month for my family as it begins with my mom's birthday, ends with my dad's, and Valentine's Day falls right smack in the middle.  To celebrate, my parents hosted a party last weekend complete with plenty of yummy eats, gift exchanging, and fun cousin time for the kiddos that even included snowman building!  I was thrilled to have the excuse to buy my parents some Disney (birthday) gifts in preparation of the vacation we'll be enjoying together at WDW later this year!! (That's right, fellow Disney fans, more magical trip reports to come by 2015's end! ;))

2.  Sling Television & Roku 3 Streaming Media Player


We got rid of cable years ago, and replaced it with Netflix and Hulu for a fraction of the price.  The only thing we've really missed is watching current Disney Channel shows and movies as they air, rather than waiting a year (or more) for them to hit Netflix.  This week we were reunited with our long lost friend favorite channel when we subscribed to Sling Television!  For just $20/month we now have Disney Channel, HGTV, Travel Channel, ABC Family, TNT, TBS, a couple ESPN channels, and more!  We got a Roku 3 to stream Sling, and our living room got a lot more magical! 

(To learn more about Sling, supported devices, and device offers visit I'm just a fan of the new service, and am not affiliated with them in any way.)

3.  My hubby's handiness helps us out once again!

The engine light came on in our {only} car this week.  Rather than taking it into the dealer or repair shop, Jason did some research, ruled several things out, and was able to fix the problem himself for FREE!  The engine light went off, and all was well!  I couldn't be more impressed with, and thankful for my hubby!  He works so hard to care for our family in every way!  I praise God continually for the incredible blessing he truly is!!!

4.  French Silk Pie & Time Alone with my Favorite Guy!

The girls stayed with my in-laws for a couple nights this week.  They had a great time going on an outlet shopping spree with Grandma, and visiting their cousins!  I missed them like crazy as the clock ticked extra slowly every moment they were away.  Jason and I did enjoy some nice, relaxing couple time during those two quiet evenings though.  Sweeter than scrumptious French Silk Pie, is time spent alone with my favorite guy! 

5.  A Valentine Surprise in our Snail Mailbox!

My bloggy friend Courtney's adorable lit'l girl, Aria, sent our family some oh-so-precious Valentine goodness this week!  It made us smile so big!  Thanks, Aria (& Courtney)!

Wishing you all a HAPPY ♥️ HEART ♥️ DAY tomorrow! :)

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:
If you missed the post, here's a link:  

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup  The Diary of a Real Housewife

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. What a fantastic week you had!! That chocolate silk pie looks amazing! I remember DQ used to have a silk pie blizzard and it was my FAVORITE!! Hope you have a great Valentine's Day!

  2. mmm sweets and valentines day! Is there really anything better? I hope yall have a fabulous weekend!

  3. YAY and BLESS to sweet, sweet hubbies. My mouth is watering for that pie (seriously). And I am so interested about sling! That sounds AWESOME!!!! xx

  4. I literally SQUEALED..YAY FOR MORE DISNEY TRIP REPORTS!!!!! And, we couldn't do without our Disney Channel, at all..ahh!! We are watching "Bad Hair Day" tonight! Your husband just sounds like a such a sweet man to you, Lucky girl!!

  5. I am not much of a pie person but after seeing that silk pie, I am gonna have to go try it out. It looks wonderful. I look foward to more Disney trip reports and videos of your upcoming trip later in the year. Have a great weekend and Happy Valentine's Day.

  6. Yay for handy hubby! That's one thing I'd love to learn is how to do some basic maintenance on my car, but the most I can do right now is change the lightbulbs in the headlights & turn signals. lol So, for now I just call my awesome brother to help. lol
    And how cute is that Valentine?!
    I checked out that Sling (thanks for sharing - never heard of it before) and doesn't look like it's available through Apple TV darn it. I'm so behind on most shows, so it's ok. I'm just happy to have some HGTV & Food Channel programs that I can watch on Netflix now! Woo hoo!

  7. Happy Valentine's Day!!
    I'm just gosh darn excited that y'all will be Disney tripping it up again this year. How fun!
    Loving those marshmallow chocolates - I should have told Chris I'd take some of those haha. Although my caramels are delicious too. It works!
    We could totally live without cable, but I would miss Food Network and I'm sure Aria would miss Disney Jr. Mostly we are movie people though. Good to see they have something reasonably priced to get the fun channels.
    Glad you got and liked your Valentine mail!!

  8. That pie looks absolutely amazing! So fun that you were able to spend some alone time with your husband this week - but I bet you're so happy to have your girls home, too :) And how exciting about your upcoming WDW trip!! Perfect idea to spoil your parents with Disney gear before!

  9. Omg, that pie looks to die for. There's a trend of really good desserts out in the blogosphere this week and I'm really craving some now! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

    Thanks for linking up for H54F :)

    Caitlin @ Coffee with Caitlin

  10. Oh my goodness!!! Something that gives me ESPN and HGTV?? It's worth $20/month just for that. I'm so glad you mentioned this. I need sports in my life, and watching live games is hard when you don't have cable (or a TV for that matter, which we don't have). Thanks for linking up with us again at H54F!!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  11. So cool that your hubby is so handy! Yay for saving money! We have a Roku box as well and just stream Netflix since we don't have cable :) It's so cheap and we honestly don't miss cable. My hubby misses the sports channels but there are a lot that you still stream through the Roku!! Hope you had a great Valentine's, Brenda!

  12. Y'all have a busy February! I'm gonna have to check out Sling because ESPN is the main reason we haven't gotten rid of our satellite yet. That pie looks so delicious! Hope y'all had great weekend!

  13. What a fun Valentines Day!

    Love to hear about the Sling may have to check it out! That pie looks amazing!


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