
Friday, February 6, 2015

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy, Happy Friday!!  It's been a freezing and fantastic week here!  Hope you're all doing well and staying cozy, even it that requires a few extra layers where you're at!  ...and if it doesn't, enjoy the warmth of the sun enough for you and me both, friend! ;)  Let's get right to the loves that made my heart smile most this week...

1.  I love my Valentine!
I know I joked that it felt like Valentine's Day came early last month, but it really did this week!! Jason gave me my v-day gifts early!!  My old phone had been giving me trouble for the past few months, but I hadn't even considered getting a new one anytime soon.  Much to my surprise my sweet Jason came home with a bag of goodies with a red bow on it's side containing this...  


2.  Case-y Cuteness!

He took me shopping for a case right away as I'm a lit'l bit clumsy, and he's a lot bit wise! ;)  This was meant to be a "just for now" case until I could order one, but it's so darling I think I may use it for a while ...before I inevitably wrap it in some Disney magic!

3.  Snow Ice Cream!

Little One and I bundled up and gathered some frosty flakes for a sweet homemade treat, snow ice cream!  You can find the recipe we used here.  It turned out a teensy bit soupy.  (I let Little One add all the ingredients and she took her time getting it "just right". :))  It tasted just like vanilla ice cream though and was much more fun than running to the freezer section of the grocery store! ;)


Oh, how refreshing it is to take a day off from the normal routine of life and just relax together!  Little One declared it My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic marathon day!  (How cute is it that she decorated around the entertainment center with all her pony toys? :)) Princess learned a few new songs, while her mom listened with a heart so full of pride it could burst!  Our home was filled with laughter, music, and girls in pjs snuggled up under piles of blankets.  It was pretty much amazing!

5.  I heart this {FREE} Kate Spade Digital Wallpaper! 

Isn't it super lovely?!  It's currently my phone's home screen AND my side of our Mac's wallpaper!  I can't get enough of the prettiness!! Click the link below the image to beautify your phone / iPad / computer / facebook timeline today too!!

Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to stop by and visit!  It makes my heart happy to have you here!  

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:
If you missed the post, here's a link:  

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Oh my goodness! So much joy! Jason is the sweetest -- what a surprise! Eeee! Exciting and precious! And goodness I love me some snow cream. So many fun childhood memories with that goodness. Adore that free wallpaper too. And mostly adore YOU! Happy Friday, dear friend! xx

  2. Loving everything here! I put that wallpaper to use and I'm head over heels when my computer turns on! Hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend! xo (send us some snow!)

  3. Happy Friday!! I just love that new phone case! And what a great husband you have there :) I've never made snow ice cream, but it looks delicious :)

  4. Snow ice cream is definitely a FAVE at our house! :) We especially love adding a little maple flavoring instead of vanilla for something a little different! YUM! Glad you had an AMAZING week! <3

  5. I'm so jealous of all your snow. I've never had snow ice cream, because well South Carolina rarely gets snow. Send some my way please. ;)

  6. Love that rose digital wallpaper!! Beautiful!

  7. That rose wallpaper is adorable! Love it!! Thanks for linking up with us at H54F!!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  8. A NEW iPhone 6?!?!?! Wow-wee! Awesome!
    That snow ice cream sound yummy!
    Ok - off to DL now - I'll send you pics. :)

  9. Have fun with the new phone! The camera is SO much better than even the 5s. I LOVE snow ice cream- we used to make it all the time when I was growing up in Maine!! -Dorrie @ Bear Den Plantation

  10. It doesn't snow a lot in Georgia, but the few times it did when I was younger, my aunt introduced me to snow ice cream. I loved it. What a beautiful early Valentines Day present and case. I hope that yall have a great weekend.

  11. Snow days are the best days!! So glad you got to have a day off with your little :) That XOXO case to so adorable!

  12. YAY for a new phone (love the case!) and snow days!! We have lots of snow over here, too :) Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  13. What a sweetie to buy you a new phone!!! And I wish we would have made snow cream when we had the chance:(

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  14. New phone and a case!! That sounds like a good way to start February. I love the snow ice cream idea!! Gorgeous KS wallpaper, perfect for Valentine's Day and Spring!

  15. ooooh shiny new phone! That is such a fun surprise.
    I've never had the snow ice cream, but I've seen it all over. So fun. I guess we'll just have to stick with the regular kind. and, so much snow!! Love the snow day.
    Pretty wallpaper!!!

  16. Oh my goodness, my little one always sets up her little ponies and toys up like that fun!! I adore it and cherish it, just the same! Always made snow cream with my grandma, such fond memories!! Yay for your new fun!

  17. I keep saying I need to try that snow ice cream, thank God we haven't had snow for me to try .. lol


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