
Friday, August 15, 2014

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday, lovelies!  Let's get right to this week's fabulous five...

1.  Boating! 
Jason's parents invited us for a day of fun on their boat at Branched Oak, about an hour and a half from our home.  The forecast was calling for 80% chance of rain, yet we made the drive and surprisingly never felt a drop!  Praise God for beautiful moments with family that make up the sweetest of summer memories!

Love my boating beauties, and my handsome hubby always looks right at home behind the wheel!  Little One cracked me up that day.  She refused a hair tie.  She loved feeling the wind blow through her hair! 

2.  Harold the Caterpillar {soon-to-be monarch butterfly!}

My in-laws live in the country and have found quite a few monarch caterpillars on milkweed in their field.  While there over the weekend Grandpa Kevin took Little One out find one that she could raise.  She named him Harold and was tickled pink to bring him home, start up a journal to pen her observations, and care for him as her own.  We've spent the week watching Harold eat, eat, and eat some more, and grow every bit as much as he eat.  Then, yesterday morning he spun a cocoon!  It's been fantastic to watch this tiny little creature grow.  God is so incredible in every last detail of His creation!  I maaay now have a secret pinboard called "Harold the Butterfly's Release Party" filled with butterfly crafts and snacks to celebrate the day we send him off into the world. (:

3.  An Unexpected Long Weekend 

Sunday night I talked Jason into extending his weekend by taking a vacation day on Monday!  Having him home on a weekday instantly makes it feel like a holiday!  Hip Hip Hooray for more time with my sweet Lovey!!!

4.  Downton Abbey

I noticed the first season on dvd at the library last week so I thought I'd {finally} "check it out". ;) I ended up being under the weather the past few days and found myself flying through the first season (and with a quick trip back to the library, on into the second)!  Masterpiece classics are sure a pleasant way to pass the time during a "sick day".  
*Since I'm a few seasons behind in this series, NO SPOILERS please! ;)*

5.  Shark Week +  Disney 
...makes me smile! :)

Sharky Cuteness:

So glad you stopped by today!  Have a lovely weekend!

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Linking up with:
The Diary of a Real Housewife | Friday Favorites

...If you're visiting from one of these link ups, be sure to say, "Hello!"  
I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. I looove boating, it is always so much fun! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. How fun to spend a family day on the lake! My husband dreams of having a boat. Once you finish Downton, you need to watch Call the Midwife (also from BBC) if you haven't already. I loooove that one. Enjoy your long weekend with your man! :)

  3. Boating is so much fun. I prefer when the boat is the one doing the work though, unlike my avid kayaker husband. The wind in your hair is good stuff! Love the pic of it flying behind her.
    Butterfly release party!! fun!! Such a perfect activity.
    Downton Abbey is good stuff. I'm behind a season still. But, it is a 'page' turner.
    Happy long weekend!!!

  4. I love that your daughter has a monarch caterpillar! My grandfather did the same exact thing with me when I was little. Your post brought back some happy memories for me!

  5. Shark week hoo ha ha! Love it! Unfortunately I missed most of it but just love those shows about sharks!

  6. Awesome pics of the caterpillar!! And I love Downton Abbey also. I did the same thing you are doing and binge-watched. Now I'm all caught up and hate waiting so long for new eps! January!! :( Have a great weekend!

  7. I have not got to ride in many boats, but when I got a chance, it was a lot of fun. Have a great weekend.

  8. looks like you guys had phone on the boat!

  9. I wish my parents still had their boat it was so much fun. They switched to jetski's but so not the same.

    I can't wait to see the butterfly!

    LOVE the nemo photo :)

  10. So fun!
    So glad you're liking Downton Abbey! I've seen only the 1st couple of seasons (via Netflix), but I watched them so long ago that I've already forgotten what happened! lol I can't wait until they release more seasons. (side note - what the heck? I just noticed they're not available for instant viewing on Netflix anymore! I hope they re-release them).


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