
Friday, August 1, 2014

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday & 1st of August!  (How is that possible?!)  It's been such an eventful week!  I intended to work a few other things in here, but clumsily burned myself while making dinner.  Let's just say while bacon is scrumptious, its grease does NOT feel great on your feet!  OUCH!  My sweet hubby has been babying me and I'm just glad that I'd already thrown together some snapshot collages of the fun the girls and I enjoyed last weekend, so I can share those with you all today!  We took a road trip to Okoboji, Iowa as guests of my (generous) parents.  Jason had to work, but was happy for us girls to go enjoy a super fun weekend getaway creating memories with "Grandma Kathy & Grandpa Bob" - and that we did!  Here are some highlights...

1.  Antique & Wooden Boat Show
I've always thought that vintage wooden boats are stunning, so this boat show made my heart smile!  I so enjoyed our trips up and down the docks checking out these beauties!

2.  Arnold's Park Amusement Park  {Est. 1889}
Good old fashioned family fun!

3.  Iowa Great Lakes Maritime Museum
I love the replica of the "Okoboji Store" which operated from 1884-1976.  Check out those old swimsuits!  They just don't make 'em like they used to. ;)

4.  Dinner at the Wharf
We love eating beside the water at the Wharf while watching the boats pass by. 
So lovely, relaxing, and delicious!

5.  A Blustery Day at the Beach
Sunday morning we planned to hit the beach for a swim and sand castle building, but it ended up being a lit'l too cold for that!  (It was in the upper 60s/low 70s!)  We opted for throwing on jackets instead of swimming attire, and made the most of the day!
It was still beautiful, chilly, but beautiful!

I hope your coming weekend will be just as spectacular, friends!  Thanks so much for stopping by!

In case you missed it!
Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:
Owning It! 20 {Possibly Unpopular} Truths

A BIG THANK YOU to my dear bloggy friend Courtney of Sweet Turtle Soup for featuring Owning It! as one of her favorite recent posts!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
The Diary of a Real Housewife | Friday Favorites

...If you're visiting from one of these link ups, be sure to say, "Hello!"  
I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. I want to come spend a week with your family for sure!! Looks like so much fun! I hope the weekend is just as fabulous for you all! xoxo

  2. Dinner on the wharf looks and sounds lovely! Have a great weekend and an awesome August

  3. Y'all have been busy, busy bees!! That Maritime Museum looks like so much fun. Where we lived in CT had a great Seaport and it was always soo much fun to go to!

  4. Wow my dear! I love all the fun adventures you have.

  5. Wow y'all do such fun stuff!! All of those activities look like tons of fun! I'll bet your girls aren't ready for school to start again? Do you typically start when schools are starting?

  6. That amusement park looks so fun! What a great week you had! I'm jealous :)

  7. What a funnnn trip! I love stuff like this. The boats and fun museum and eating on the water. All perfection. Reminds me of St. Augustine, one of my favourite places to do a day trip. My gosh that is like winter weather. It has gotten to the point where you sweat immediately when you go outside, so gross. I'm over if FL let's trend towards the cooler now. (ha, yeah right!) I'm jealous of your sweatshirts!

  8. I hope that you recover quickly from the burn of bacon grease on your feet. Glad you and the girls got a chance to spend an awesome weekend with your parents. I hope yall have a great weekend.

  9. What an awesome trip! Seriously all of it looks like so much fun - I can't wait til Callie is an older kid to do stuff like that! The boat show looks so cool. I love old car shows old boats look just as fun!


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