
Friday, July 18, 2014

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you're enjoying a gorgeous week!  It has been unseasonably cool here in the Midwest.  I couldn't be more giddy about the glorious breeze and spectacular sunshine that I'm currently welcoming into the window beside me!  

On to those fab 5 loves!  We spent last weekend enjoying an annual event in our area called Railroad Days.  This was our sixth summer attending.  It has become such a fun tradition for us!  A family pass grants us entrance to 5 local attractions, among those are a few historical homes (including one of a Civil War General and friend of Abraham Lincoln), multiple museums, a restored train depot, and a breathtaking botanical center.  Normally a one day admission ticket to each of these attractions would total $94 for our family of four, but during Railroad Days we can pick up a 2-day family pass to all five for just $15!  It's such a bargain!  They also offer free transportation from one venue to the next via Ollie the Trolleys and buses.  It truly feels like we've enjoyed a fun (& frugal) vacation right here at home!  Over the weekend I took 576 pics.  (I'm a lit'l snap happy! :))  So, I had to break the fun down into categories to share in my loves today! ;)

1.  Botanical Garden Goodness
Saturday morning's stroll through the gardens was too gorgeous for words, so I'll let the photos speak for themselves...
The photo of Little One stopping to smell the roses is a candid, not a posed photo. :)

2.  Terrific Trains!
It's what the event is about after all. ;) 
We sat next to the Conductor while dining at a museum's soda fountain on Saturday.  Little One requested her photo be taken with him.  He handed her his lantern and commented that it's not every day that he has such a cute helper! :) 

New to the event this year, Union Pacific brought the actual simulator that they train their employees in.  Jason and the girls became certified (Jr.) Engineers by completing a train ride in the Union Pacific mobile simulator.  We have a new appreciation and understanding of what it takes to operate this terrific vehicles!

3.  Crafty Cuties
They always offer such fun activities at Railroad Days!  A couple that the girls really enjoyed this year were thumbprint train art and spray painting their own lit'l masterpieces.
Little One spray painted a railroad worker ringing a train bell.  Princess had fun painting her initials.

4.    Family Fun!
The BEST part of the 2-day event was by far the FUN we had enjoying it all together!  What a sweet blessing family truly is!
Photos, Left to Right, Top to Bottom:  1. A trolley all to ourselves.  2.  Jason and girls on the staircase of the 100+ year old library turned railroad museum.  We have a fantastic new public library in our city, but every time we visit this beautiful old building I recall climbing these stairs to check out books as a child.  Sweet memories!  3. Little One and I sharing a rocking chair in front of a home exhibit.  4. Lunch at the Soda Fountain.  5. If you've watched my husband's Eat, Sleep, Dis, Repeat vids, you know that Princess and I LOVE a good rock and talk break!  6. Jason and Princess being silly on a train.  7. ...and again at lunch. :)  8. Sisters enjoying a swing in the botanical gardens.

5.  A Special Lunch Guest
My dad had a vacation day to use this week and with my mom still working, had no plans for the day.  The girls and I snatched up the opportunity to invite him over for lunch.  We enjoyed a nice time together, eating, chatting, and laughing over BLTs and root beer floats.  It was a treat of a day!

I so appreciate you taking the time to visit today, friends!  Have a lovely weekend!

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Linking up with:
The Diary of a Real Housewife | Friday Favorites

...If you're visiting from one of these link ups, be sure to say, "Hello!"  
I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. What a fun weekend! Love the photographs of the botanical gardens.

  2. Love this! Maybe one day we'll make it to Railroad Days! :)

  3. Yay! This is such a great town event! I'm jealous I can't go check it out too! Such pretty flowers and Aria loves trains. She'd be choo c hoo - ing all over the place. Family time is the best

  4. Family time at its best!!! So glad your week was filled with fambam love!!! xx

  5. Those pictures from the botanical garden are gorgeous! Looks like you guys had so much fun! Have a fabulous weekend! xo

  6. Wow Rairoad Days looks like a lot of fun. I would love to come there and see that one day. Glad yall had so much fun so close to home. I never liked BLT's as a kid but as I have gotten older, I love them now too. I hope that yall have an awesome weekend.

  7. Such a fun weekend!! That simulator?!? So cool!! And now I'm in the mood for BLTs and root beer floats!! YUM!! Take care!

  8. I love that this was such a good trip! :) The pictures are awesome! Love your girls painting with spray paint :-p


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