
Friday, June 13, 2014

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday!!!  It's been such a funtastic week!  Check it out y'all!...

1.  A Sandy Sunday!
Sunday we packed a picnic lunch and headed to the park for some family fun.  Lunch always tastes better in the sunshine surrounded by those you love the most!  Afterward we strolled through an annual fundraising event in our area, Sand in the City.  I'm always so impressed by the incredible {& incredibly cute} sculptures there!

Our favorite sand sculpted sweetness at Sand in the City ...

2.  Exploring Lewis and Clark Visitors Center

3.  Cheesing it up Downtown

4.  Mommy/Daughter Day & a Fabulous Night with Family

On Thursday my mom invited Princess to come to a birthday party for one of her daycare kiddos during Little One's morning taekwondo class.   She stayed through the afternoon enjoying herself while lending her Grandma Kathy a helpful hand.  Meanwhile, Little One and I enjoyed a pretty AMAZING Mommy/Daughter Day!!  {I adore one on one time with my sweeties!}  We started it off with one of her favorite things, {the aforementioned} black belt class.  Afterwards we headed to the library and let my girly's curiosity roam free!  She LOVES learning and found a lot of books that sparked her interest.  In the coming week she'll be learning all about whales, whale sharks, dolphins, bees, and how taste buds work.  We also found a few fun movies and some cds to sing our hearts out to! ;)  Next we headed to Taco Bell for their Happier Hour.  Cheers to inexpensive yumminess!  We made a quick trip home to drop off our library goodies and for a wardrobe change, then headed out for a walk and talk to visit TWO different playgrounds.  Why two? Because two is better than one, of course!  She enjoyed many a slide, several swings, and we giggled and sighed happy sighs.  It was a GOOD day!  In fact, Little One declared it "The BEST day EVER!" :)

As soon as we got home a text came in saying that my parents and Princess were heading our way to pick us up for a pizza dinner date...
Yummy eats with Grandpa Bob & Grandma Kathy!

...followed by treats and talk at their house!  Then my sweet hubby got off work earlier than I'd expected so we had a long(er) evening together too!  Days just don't get much better than that!

5.  Little One's Crafty Cuteness
With a handful of crafting supplies this cutie will create her own lit'l toy with "character"!
Fiercely cute!

Thanks so much for visiting today!  Have a fabulous weekend!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:
Cheers to 80 Years! Happy Birthday Donald Duck!
{Includes:  Donald Duck's 1st Cartoon, Drawing Donald Tutorial, and Donald's Safari Breakfast Recipe}

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
The Diary of a Real Housewife | Friday Favorites

...If you're visiting from one of these link ups, be sure to say, "Hello!"  
I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. LOVE those sand sculptures! How cool is that!! What a fun family memory!
    And bless mommy/daughter day.....the sweetest!!! Quality time at its best!
    Hugging you!!!! xx

  2. It looks like you had a lot of fun with the whole family again this week! The sand sculptures are amazing! Little One is so cute with her crafts! Have a nice weekend! :) xx

  3. Those sand sculptures are incredible - I can't believe the amount of detail in each of them! As usual, it looks like your week was filled with lots of love and time with the fantastic! Have an amazing weekend! xo

  4. The SAND SCULPTURES....holy amazing!!! SO neat! Xxxx.

  5. I just love that you get so much family time, Brenda!! :) AND Little One looks SO MUCH like you! Well, they both do actually :) Those sand sculptures are amazing! I don't see how they did that! Adorable crafts :) Your girls are awesome!

  6. There seems to be so many fun things to do nearby you guys! The sand sculptures are so fun. And, a little history too. And pizza! And mom and daughter dates! I think maybe you are having too much fun actually.

  7. Those sand sculptures are crazy cool!!! Can you imagine how long those must take?!!

  8. The sand sculptures are amazing. What talent all of those folks have to make sand look that cool. I hope that you all have a great weekend and that Jason has a Great Fathers Day on Sunday.

  9. Those sand sculptures!! Beautiful. Love the one on one time with your daughter....isn't it the best? So thrilled (as I work in a library) that part of your day was spent letting her explore the library and find things that sparked her interest. Made me smile! And the cute! It's nice seeing kids disconnect from technology and embracing the arts and reading!

  10. those sand castles are stunning!! what a fun event!

  11. Those sand sculptures are incredible!!! Must have looked even better in person! What a fun event!


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