
Friday, April 26, 2013

Five Loves on Friday

It's that time again! Excited to share 5 things that made my heart happy this week ...

It's always a fun time when you get these cousins together!  
My nephew and Princess are just 26 days apart in age.  Don't you think they could pass for twins?!  Little One has been a "cowgirl" all week, sporting this hat and some cute boots, everywhere she goes.  She thought our night out was a rootin' tootin' good time! ;)

Yes, dandelions are technically weeds, but I LOVE 'em! This old Five Iron Frenzy song comes to mind whenever I receive those bright yellow bouquets from my girls.  It still moves me to happy tears each time I hear it....  

A big THANK YOU to Ashley of Kitchen Meets Girl and Kelly of Semi Homemade Mom for featuring my Saucilicious Slow Cooker Pork Chops!  

I also spotted them on's Meal Plan Monday this week! Thanks, Laura of I'm an Organizing Junkie! I hope you and your family enjoyed the recipe.

Side note:  Kelly (the blogger behind the previously mentioned, Semi Homemade Mom) is desperately seeking donations to help cover medical expenses for her Father-in-law's Liver Transplant. If you'd like to help, you can find his story and a link to their Give Forward account HERE.

My Aunt E knows I love crafting with my girls.  She noticed this at a book sale and thought I'd enjoy it.  She was right! Thanks again, Aunt E! Your thoughtfulness warmed my heart!

Happy Friday, lovelies! Hope you all enjoy a fabulous weekend!
Linking up here:
  photo H54Fbutton-triangle_zps678b65ba.jpg 5 things friday button 5 Things Friday Linky Party

Thanks for stopping by! Don't be shy. Please say, "HI!"


  1. The Husband gave me Craft-A-Day in my Easter basket, but I am a little disappointed in the book. It came highly recommended, so I added it to my Amazon wish list without previewing it. I just feel like it's a lot of the same projects with a different template. Maybe it's just me? I haven't made anything yet. What are you planning to make?

    Christy @ Creating a Beautiful Life

    1. I thought the fox crafts were super cute! :) Although a lot of them are similar within each theme, with 365 ideas there's definitely plenty of crafting fun to be had ;) Hope you enjoy it. I know each time I catch a glimpse of mine on the bookshelf it'll bring a smile to my face. ...Thoughtful gifts are always special!! :*)

  2. Brenda, you are so sweet. Thank you! And as a mom who gets dandelions a lot, I really loved that song. Happy tears. Have a wonderful weekend! :) -Kelly @ Semi Homemade Mom

    1. You're most welcome! <3 I'm glad you enjoyed the song too! :)

  3. Ok girlie you're getting featured everywhere I must say I'm a little jealous and not sure we can be friends anymore ...hehehe joke!! Congrats hun that really is awesome! Well deserved!

    And yet again you tempt me with a sweet yummy I think at this point in this diet I would actually push a kid out of the way for ... hehe

  4. It IS the simple things! And I love your dandelion bouquet :) Stella has been loving to pick those little weeds that look like tiny purple flowers! So awesome that you are getting featured so many places! I have something I've been wanting to run by you if I can get a minute to actually send an email! :) Hope you have an awesome weekend with your loves!! Xo, Eva

  5. Wheee! Congrats on the features, girl! That Craft-A-Day book looks like so much fun!! :)

  6. I love dandelions too!
    Ann @

  7. I love the name of your blog. Yum!

  8. Stopping by with a post you may like: A Mickey Mouse Cake U Can Make! :-)
    I know you love Mickey!


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