
Friday, April 19, 2013

Five Loves on Friday

1. One ring to rule them all. Okay, not really. I just couldn't resist. ;) The week of Christmas my husband was involved in an accident while helping a neighbor out, snow blowing for her after a blizzard. He came very close to losing 3 fingers on his dominant hand. His wedding band came home from ER in a bag, stained with blood. So began the first serious "in sickness and in health" season of our marriage.  What followed were trips to the hospital, doctors, specialists, surgeons, and therapist. God had already spared him so much, and for that I was incredibly grateful. The morning of the accident, he had thrown on his heaviest motorcycle gloves, which was not typical. The blades of the snowblower cut through the many layers of the glove, and then on down to the bone. We heard over and over again from different doctors that had he not been wearing those gloves he would have likely lost his fingers. Praise God he was spared that loss! While I was so thankful he still had his hand, I was concerned about if he'd regain use. In the beginning he was barely capable of any movement at all. After working very hard through physical therapy, and on his own as well, little by little we've seen improvement. The greatest milestone yet happened last Sunday. He was back playing guitar at church! I could barely fight back tears the entire time.  One of the songs we sang was "Blessed Be Your Name". A few of the lyrics are: 

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name 
On the road marked with suffering 
Though there's pain in the offering 
Blessed be Your name 

Every blessing You pour out 
I'll turn back to praise 
When the darkness closes in, Lord 
Still I will say 

Blessed be the name of the Lord 
Blessed be Your name 
Blessed be the name of the Lord 
Blessed be Your glorious name 

You give and take away 
You give and take away 
My heart will choose to say 
Lord, blessed be Your name 

It was hard for us not to lose it during that song. We praise Him in all things. How much sweeter and more blessed an occasion it was knowing that He could have just as easily allowed him to lose those fingers, yet He graciously spared him that. My husband is once again able to play guitar, one of his passions. God blessed him with a gift that he so enjoys using to worship Him, and my heart overflows with thanksgiving that he is able to play and rejoice in God's goodness. I didn't know if that day would come. It did. To God be the glory! 

2.  This week my Disney Podcasts iLove post was featured over at The Real Thing with the Coake Family!  Thanks again, KC! :)

3.  CHEERS to a Target date with my Princess!! ... I  L-O-V-E  their Mango Smoothies! Y U M!!

4.  Princess modeling the cute new outfit she got during our shopping trip.  I noticed a clearance price on the pretty pink, sparkly skirt she was eyeing.  She never wants us to spend a dime on her, and never asks for anything, so it's such a joy to bless her with things when we go out for mom/daughter shopping trips every so often!  

5.  Pad Thai & egg rolls from our favorite restaurant.  They totally hit the spot.

Happy Friday, lovelies! Hope you all enjoy a fabulous weekend!
Linking up here:
  photo H54Fbutton-triangle_zps678b65ba.jpg 5 things friday button 5 Things Friday Linky Party


  1. So great to here your husband is doing well and able to play again!

  2. Praise the Lord that your hubby can play again! What a blessing! (Stopped by from H54F)

  3. OMGosh gave me chills about his hand. God was watching over him that day.

    Love the smoothie date :)

  4. God definitely was watching over him that day!! Can't take for granted His protection. I had a friend who literally finished the Boston marathon and was already on the subway just minutes before the explosion happened. Never would have fathomed when I prayed for her protection that morning that it would be for such a thing! And that song brings me to tears every time! Thanks again for always linking up with me, I love getting to share our weeks with each other!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend friend!

    1. I'm so thankful to hear that your friend is okay!! Praise God!! ... You? In tears? No way, Eva! Teehee! :*)
      Thanks again for hosting the link! I really enjoy sharing our weeks with each other too, bloggy friend! <3

  5. I am so glad your husband is on the mend and able to play the guitar again. So glad he wore the right gloves that!
    I was super happy to get to feature you! I hope you have a great week this week with many more than 5 loves for your next 5 on Friday.
    Thanks so much for linking up at the Real Family Fun link party! Hope to see you next week.


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